How to get the best flight deals

I like to get the best deal possible on flights! If I’m flexible on timing I often plan my trip around when I can get great deals. Here’s how I find these deals for empty nesters and other travelers. I’ve signed up for deal alert emails from Scott’s Cheap Flights. There’s a free option but I think it’s worth it to pay the $39 a year to get all the emails. Once you get a deal email that look interesting, head to google flights to find the best dates. Then plug those dates into Momondo and see if they have a better price, if not follow the link from google flights to book.

I live in Durango, Colorado, a small airport with only two airlines feeding it. Deals for our little airport don’t come around that often. But for this tutorial I show you how you can book a round trip flight from Durango to Sydney for $586, if you’re patient and willing to wait for it.

I also like to use google flights tracker option to track the Durango flights to see when they go on sale.

Watch and let me know in the comments what you think!

Love Claudia

Here’s the 5 minute quick tutorial to help you book more affordable flights! Follow me on facebook for more videos!

Here are flight booking websites I like to use

Scott’s Cheap Flights

Google Flights


Check individual airlines, specifically discount airlines for international/local flights.